Headteacher's welcome

Dear Parent/Carer

I am delighted to welcome you to the Dalbeattie High School website.

Our website offers a glimpse into the life of our school as well as providing a wealth of important information detailing our vision, organisation and processes. It is also a showcase of the many wonderful achievements of our young people. I hope you find it informative and interesting.

Dalbeattie High School is one of fifteen secondary schools in Dumfries and Galloway. We are based in the Stewartry town of Dalbeattie, serving the communities of Colvened, Dalbeattie, Kirkgunzeon, and Palnackie, as well as surrounding areas. Ours is a semi-rural setting currently supporting a role of 351 young people, 33 teaching staff, 15 support staff and a multitude of partners.

Our vision is to provide a full educational experience for all our students, which is inclusive, ambitious and effectively prepares students for learning, life and work beyond the school. We seek to achieve this by building positive, supportive and respectful relationships and working in partnership with students and our wider community to ensure all can gain the knowledge and develop the skills required to achieve their full potential.

Our school values are those of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Relationships. Aim High and Hold the Aim is at the heart of all that we do and our value define the manner in which we hope to achieve this.

Our school priorities for 2023/24 (complementing Scottish Government and Dumfries and Galloway council priorities) are to:

  • Improve learning and teaching
  • Improve our curriculum
  • Improve our inclusive practice

We are a school of great aspiration and achievement with our young people demonstrating excellence across a number of fields including the academic, sporting and volunteering. Undoubtedly, the success we experience is supported by a strong community of parents/carers and partners.

I am greatly looking forward to working with you. Should you have any further queries of require any additional information then please do not hesitate to get in touch via the contact details found on this site.

Stuart McGougan


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